What Is a Beat, Anyway?

If you read about writing craft, you’re going to come across the word “beat” on occasion. But this is a term that even within the realm of creative writing has at least three different meanings. Let’s break them down here.
What Does the Inciting Incident Actually Do?

The inciting incident is often misunderstood. Even seasoned writers sometimes make claims that there can be multiple inciting incidents or that it can occur before the story even begins. But I would argue that most of those claims are rooted in a misunderstanding of the role the inciting incident plays within a story.
The Essentials of Orienting Your Reader

In film, orientation is almost immediate. In prose, oreintation requires ink. Here are some guidelines for what orientation the reader needs.
Centrifugal Forces: How a Character Doesn’t Want What They Desire

Story is a vortex; a character circles around the climax, wanting and not wanting to get to the center of the vortex, where they will be transformed.
How and Why to Write Your Back-Cover Synopsis Early

The back-cover synopsis lays out the book’s premise and piques reader interest. Here’s how and why you should write one early and often.
How to Write While You’re Freaking Out

How can you write when the world seems to be falling apart? Some considerations for releasing the anxiety and allowing some healthy creative pursuit.
How a Scene List Can Help Your Revision

A scene list is a simple but powerful tool you can use to wrap your head around your whole story and begin to troubleshoot where it might need revision. Here’s how and why it helps.
How Your Attitude and Approach Toward Habits Can Revitalize Your Writing Practice

Habit formation is crucial for writers trying to improve their process. These tips might help you revolutionize your approach to your writing.
The Case for Messy Character Motivation

It’s acceptable—maybe even preferable—to be a little foggy about your characters’ motivations. Rather than put them through questionnaires and personality assessments, put them into situations which reveal true character.
The Character Mixing Board

Digging into Brandon Sanderson’s concept of three-pronged character development. How can you mix and match character attributes of competence, sympathy, and proactivity?