Let’s Design Your Writing Program
The Concept
- It’s important to focus not only on the fine art of writing but also the larger picture of what it takes to be a published writer.
- Writers should be deliberate about self-improvement.
- Working with an experienced writer/teacher to come up with a program individually catered to you is the best way to meet your current needs for improving your writing.
The Objective
Manage your goals for your reading and writing.
Figure out your main weaknesses. What’s holding you back?
Find the best resources to meet your specific needs.
Determine deadlines and ways to remain accountable.
Weed out your self-sabotaging.
The Rationale
You could do this all on your own, but you might end up saving years by getting some guidance and focus. Some things about your own process, craft, and mentality, you just can’t see for yourself. People hire personal trainers and therapists to help them see and understand how they’re getting in their own way. (If you haven’t worked through the free starter kit yet, take a look at it to understand what goes into being a published writer and how this program might help you.)
Your Unofficial MFA Options
The Kickstarter
The Kickstarter consultation helps get you into gear. Over the course of a month, we work together to determine your areas of biggest need and how you can go about addressing them.
The Kickstarter begins with a self-assessment that I have you fill out and send to me.
You submit a description of your work-in-progress and a five-page sample of your writing.
Once I’ve had a chance to look over your materials, we set up a 30-minute call, during which we discuss your goals and areas of need and come up with a short-term plan for the next month.
You submit weekly check-ins for a month.
We wrap up the month with another 30-minute call, during which we discuss next steps for you and develop a longer-range plan.
The Kickstarter is simple, but it’s no walk in the park. I’ll push you to probe into your writing approach and aspirations.
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The Semester
The Semester is for those looking to create an unofficial MFA for themselves. In fact, it is modeled after a low-residency MFA, but it pays attention to the larger picture of what it takes to be a published writer.
The Semester begins with your submission of a self-assessment, a description of your work-in-progress, and 10 pages of your writing.
During an initial 1-hour orientation call, we’ll discuss your goals and areas of need.
We’ll then set up weekly check-ins and monthly deadlines, and at the end of every month, we’ll meet for an hour to discuss your progress and the work you’ve sent me. That work may include reading responses, notes on classes or research, outlines, and excerpts of your creative writing.
We’ll research other supports and mentors you can use in addition to what I offer.
And we’ll move toward an agreed-upon final project for the sixth month
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Get Started Today!
It’s worth investing in your development as a writer if you take this seriously. Whether that’s with me is less important than your taking action to make your development focused, goal-oriented, and deliberate. I know this is a leap, but it’s worth it. Get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.
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