Prepping for Beta Reading

Once you’ve found a beta reader for your work, how should you proceed? Some tips here on how to prepare your expectations, your manuscript, and your reader.
Tools for Big Picture Editing of Your Novel

The mountain of editing/revision can be daunting, particularly for long-form stories. Here are four tools you can use to gain perspective of the big picture.
How and Why to Write Your Back-Cover Synopsis Early

The back-cover synopsis lays out the book’s premise and piques reader interest. Here’s how and why you should write one early and often.
How to Write While You’re Freaking Out

How can you write when the world seems to be falling apart? Some considerations for releasing the anxiety and allowing some healthy creative pursuit.
How Your Attitude and Approach Toward Habits Can Revitalize Your Writing Practice

Habit formation is crucial for writers trying to improve their process. These tips might help you revolutionize your approach to your writing.
Writing Character Emotion

Robert Olen Butler describes 5 ways the people express emotions. Writers can use these expressions to help build better character interiority. Here, his 5 expressions and an accompanying journal exercise.