Online Critique Groups

Get feedback on your work, hone your editing skills, learn craft. Watch the video for a 2-minute orientation.

Why Join?

Learn Craft

Instructional workshops are one of the most effective places to learn about craft. Everything’s in context, so there’s no theory-versus-practice discrepancy. The teaching is catered to the group members and to the authentic challenges we all face. Plus, reading other people’s writing critically really helps you look at your own writing; you learn to read like a writer.

Compassionate Approach

We’re here to help you become a better storyteller. We’re here to help you become a more insightful story reader. Our critiques of your work are never driven by the ego of the person critiquing; they’re driven by a compassionate desire to help you improve. We are here, however, to challenge and to push you towards improvement, not to tell you your writing is great (unless it truly is).

Live, Direct Interaction

So often I find in editing or commenting that there are limits to how much can be articulated through margin notes. Effective editing and feedback often requires a dialogue. The video chat format is the next best thing to in-person workshops; you get immediate feedback and you can follow up on it to be sure you understand readers’ concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many times do we meet?

We meet 8 times in a “semester.” Dates are decided a month or so before each semester. Sunday dates for the fall of 2024: Sept 8, Sept 22, Oct 6, Oct 27, Nov 10, Nov 24, Dec 15, Jan 5.

How long is each session?

Two hours. Sunday sessions meet from 1:30pm to 3:30pm US Central time. Thursday sessions meet from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. (There are currently no openings in the Thursday group.) We have writers from all over the country and sometimes internationally. 

When do we meet?

Fall semester runs from September through December/January. Spring semester runs from late January to May. The Thursday group meets 2:00 to 4:00pm (U.S. Central Time); the Sunday group meets 1:30 to 3:30pm.

Can’t I just find a writing group near me?

Absolutely. You may want to do that in addition to this group; you may want to do that instead of this group. But this group is likely more instructional than your local writing group, and we’re led by a career writing instructor.

How many times would I be up for critique?

At least twice. If the group is particularly small, three times.

What if I can’t make one of the dates?

No problem. I record the meetings and then post a private link for writers within the group to check out later. Writers who miss a meeting usually communicate with the writers up for critique and send feedback via email.

Am I expected to offer critiques to others?

Yes! That work is one of the most important parts of the learning process. Putting effort into really pondering what’s working and what isn’t working is incredibly important and will improve your writing and your abilities to revise your own work.

What’s the cost and how do I enroll?

It’s $360 for a semester. And you enroll by emailing me at
