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10 Lessons from “Cat Person” on Character Interiority
100 Books Published in 2023 for Your TBR Pile
12 Ways to Be an Invisible Writer
3 Techniques for Creating Tension
4 Common Failures in Story Cause/Effect
A Compendium of Novel Structure Resources
A Glossary of Assorted Writing Craft Terms
Action vs. Information: Convey Info without Stalling the Story
Approaching the Workshop
Author, Narrator, Character
Captivating Protagonists: The Essentials
Centrifugal Forces: How a Character Doesn’t Want What They Desire
Common Problems in Manuscripts
Create a Moving Character Arc
Create Sentiment; Avoid Sentimentality
Creating Suspense
Dealing with Criticism and Rejections
Delight: The Secondary Source of Reader Engagement
Dramatic Prognosis: a tool for designing strong plots and improving weak ones
Earning Story Events
Escalating Complications
Exposition in Dialogue
Formatting Character Thoughts
Freytag’s Pyramid Doesn’t Deserve the Hate
How a Scene List Can Help Your Revision
How and Why to Write Your Back-Cover Synopsis Early
How to Create Compelling Story Action
How to Create Story Momentum
How to Maintain Perspective When Encountering Writing Advice
How to Make a DIY Writing Retreat
How to Use Objects to Create More Powerful Stories
How to Write While You’re Freaking Out
How Your Attitude and Approach Toward Habits Can Revitalize Your Writing Practice
Irony is Central to Storytelling
Juggle External Action and Interiority
Narrating Deep or Shallow: The Spectrum of Psychic Distance
Novel Structure: An Aggregate Paradigm
Page-level Storytelling: Four Ways to Break Down Your Narration
Prepping for Beta Reading
Readers to Help You Write Your Book
Revision for Haters
Scene vs. Summary
Should You Use Dialogue Tags Other Than “Said”?
Show, Don’t Tell Disambiguation
Story Consumption: How to Read Like a Writer
Stretch Tension to Maximize Suspense
Subjective Conflict
The Case for Messy Character Motivation
The Case for Pantsing
The Character Mixing Board
The Essence of Standout Characters
The Essentials of Orienting Your Reader
The Key to Epiphanies, Realizations, and Moments of Clarity
The Key to Reader Engagement
The Pitfalls of Emotional Body Language in Your Writing
The Problem with “Show, Don’t Tell”
The Storm Writing School Mission
The True Source of Voice
The Two Imperatives for Compelling Dialogue
The Two Roles of the Beginning
Theme Is Not Optional
Time Digressions in Narration
To Filter or Not to Filter
Tools for Big Picture Editing of Your Novel
Triangulate Dialogue
Turning Points Propel Your Story
Two Conflicts: Problems vs. Obstacles
Use “Urgent Story Questions” to Create Tension
Use Beats to Move Characters within Scenes
Varieties of Omniscience
Verisimilitude: What it is and how it works
What Does the Inciting Incident Actually Do?
What Is a Beat, Anyway?
Why Most Writing Rules Can Be Broken
Why the Hero’s Journey May Not Be Right for Your Story
Why You Need Strong Antagonists in Your Story
Why Your Story’s Conflict May Fail to Grip Readers
Writing Character Emotion
Your Writing Needs to Be Better Than Game of Thrones