Below is a collection of short videos I’ve put together defining, clarifying, or otherwise demystifying various writing craft terms. I expect this list to keep growing. Bookmark this page and check back often.
(I’ve made sure to have quality close captions with these videos for those who just prefer to read rather than watch a video or who would rather watch without sound.)
- Backflash
- Beat
- Black Box
- Chekhov’s Gun
- Curse of Knowledge
- Denouement
- Desigining Principle
- Didactic
- Diegetic
- Falling Action
- Free Indirect Discourse
- On the Nose
- Pleonasm
- Telegraphing
- Verisimilitude

6 Responses
Marvellous. Thanks for this, Tim 🙂
One little blip: The Designing Principle video doesn’t seem to be available.
Best wishes and have a great weekend.
Thanks, Lita. It’s all set now.
Lita, might want to try it again, because when I hit the button, I saw it just fine. Might be a timing issue
Yeah, when I initially posted the article, the video was still awaiting my making it public. Should all be good now.
Tim, these are great snippets. I’ve never quite understood beats, but I think I’ve got it now. Like, someone might say, ‘I think you need a few more beats to flesh this out a bit,’ or something like that. Or that it seems like a beat is missing, or you have one too many. Like musical beats making the rhythm flow. Thanks!
Yeah, I’m guessing they’re talking about another unit of action-reaction within a scene in those cases, right?